Have you ever felt like dressing like a real life super-villain, wanting to dress for the job you want not the job you have?
It is not too difficult to pull it off correctly with a few key rules.

1. Don’t shop at a Halloween “big box” store nor costume shop.

This is the big sin of super-villainy, assuming that your groovy villain needs can be made of cheap materials and inexpensive fabrics. Anything bought from a Halloween costume shop will look like a costume. Stay away from plastic skulls, rubber masks, and thin, shear capes. In addition to diminishing your credibility these products will not last if you lead a life of active villainy. 

2. DO shop at am Army-Navy surplus store, Fetish shop, or outfitter’s store.

For the same reasons listed above, one should strive to spend the extra dollar on products that can lend credibility to your guise. Outfitter stores and Army-Navy surplus stores offer products used by agents of the fascist empire (cops & soldiers) why not learn from the best and buy well-made products that have been proven to last, and face the wear and tear an active life of villainy may bring. Fetish shops can be hit or miss, while the look and fashions of a fetish shop are spot on villainous looks, the flimsy faketex (fake latex) may peel and tear easily. 



Accessories can include belts, jewelry, or other “tools of the trade” like riding crops or other technical equipment. Be wary of “Mall Goth” accessories that will bely a cheap, low budget villain. An adopted color palette can be utilized, tying a thematic color scheme to your personae. While black maybe your color of choice; it’s an easy, all too common choice. Add a flash of blood-red or other color to your uniform with arm-bands, sashes etc. Many a quality super-villain have adopted the green-purple color scheme for their look. 

The Specifics of Dressing Evil

Once you decide where to shop you will need to decide what to purchase.

One of the easiest pieces you can get to add to your collection is a good jacket. While this could be any old motorcycle jacket or trench coat, one should consider the classic villainous fashion of the Nehru Jacket.

 The Nehru jacket is part of the national dress of India, named after the famed Jawaharlal Nehru, the  Prime Minister  of India from 1947 to 1964 who made the jacket popular. These high-collared jackets, buttoned to the neck, present a world class villain, willing to play “dress-up” for an audience of fascio-capitalists who always appreciate a good, “smart” jacket. Nehru jackets were made popular by Bond villains like Dr. No and Ernest Blofeld. 

The other option is the invest in a monochromatic  Mao Suit, these jackets offer-up that pseudo para-military look favored by dictators like Korea’s Kim Jong-un. For tropical climates, one could don a guayabera shirt for a sinister south of the border look. 


Pants, can vary from simple black slacks, to spandex, to a camouflaged military look. The same rules apply however, any cheap in appropriate leg-wear will out you as the sham of a villain you are. Opt for military/police gear from brands like TrueSpec. The price-point may be a bit higher than you like, but the durability and the fact you will not be wearing your Halloween black jeans will be worth it.  Coveralls by Dickie’s or some other work-clothes brand help sell the idea that you are a villain of the people.


While any work or combat boot will do, a better investment would be a pair of boots from an outfitter that will give you a real lead in the utilitarian department. A pair of knee-high, Redhead waterproof and snake proof boots could do the trick, or perhaps a pair of platform “KISS boots” for some real height and over-the-top fashion.


Your accessories will be the final coup de grâce in developing your look. Perhaps a pair of high-tech goggles, or generic douche-bag dictator aviators could serve as dual purpose safety-gear, as well as defy facial recognition soft-ware.

A good pair of leather gloves will go a long way in selling your sinister presence. Perhaps one could go for some Fashionable Asymmetryand wear but one glove.


While perhaps generic in its scope, the skull still has a universal meaning of “danger” or “bad guy” or “I work for the U.S. Government”. Be careful with the skull motif as you may be mistaken for a fascist agent of the state, for cops & soldiers have adopted the skull (specifically the iconic MARVEL Punisher skull) as their symbol. Other good symbols to incorporate could be the pentagram, snakes, dragons, or other menacing animals. Stay away form swastikas and other Nazi imagery, even the Communist Hammer & Sickle could cause some unintended butt-hurt to those who have lived under such a symbol.






There have been many unconstitutional wars engaged by the U.S. Empire since the last legal war was declared against Eastern European Axis powers in 1942.

Declaring war on the enemy is not only required in the U.S. constitution (Article 1, Section 8 Congress shall have the power to declare war.) but it is required per international law .

Section 3 of the Hague Convention of 1907 states:

“The existence of a state of war must be notified to the neutral Powers without delay, and shall not take effect in regard to them until after the receipt of a notification.”

Yet the citizens of the United States seem to be willfully ignoring the unconstitutional wars waged by their nation, and overlooking breaches in international law .

The African Campaign is one of those wars oft ignored; with the Afghani and Iraqi campaigns of Operation Enduring Freedom demanding more of the public’s eye. 


Operation Enduring Freedom is the name for the supposed War on Terror initiated by the Bush Regime and its cadre of fascio-capitalists. Operation Enduring Freedom is an ironic moniker of Orwellian Newspeak & Doublethink, for a war of perpetuity due to a vague congressional authorization to use military force. 

While not as recent as Space Force, the U.S. African command is a mostly recent addition to the U.S. military, created during the Obama Regime. 



According to their official website AFRICOM (United States Africa Command) is described as:

“one of the eleven unified combatant commands of the United States Department of Defense, headquartered at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. It is responsible for U.S. military operations, including fighting regional conflicts and maintaining military relations with 53 African nations. Its area of responsibility covers all of Africa except Egypt, which is within the area of responsibility of the United States Central Command. U.S. AFRICOM headquarters operating budget was $276 million in fiscal year 2012. ” 

The actual number of U.S. bases in Africa is unknown, although a recently declassified Pentagon document sites 15 “enduring” bases like the permanent base of Camp Lemonier located in Djibouti.

Camp Lemonier oversees official partnerships with nations that have a U.S. military presence in the form of forward operating drone bases. 

In addition to the 15 “enduring ” bases there are “non-enduring” bases across the continent mostly in the sub-Saharan fertile Sahel region of the continent.

In addition to the 29 admitted bases, it must be assumed that there are numerous clandestine black-ops actions taking place that are only revealed to the public eye after some tragic occurrence takes place that can not be readily covered-up, as in the case of U.S. servicemen being baited and subsequently ambushed in Niger in 2017.

The U.S. is hardly alone in what has been a called a “new colonialism” as other nations build both economic and military influence on the continent. China itself has been accused of “raping the resources” of Africa claiming natural resources and raw goods and exporting them to their Asian homeland.

A map of U.S. military bases — forward operating sites, cooperative security locations, and contingency locations — across the African continent in 2014 from declassified AFRICOM planning documents (Nick Turse/TomDispatch).

More likely than not, Africa will be the host to the first big ground war of World War III, replete with tanks lead by proxy armies composed of third world nations, prompted at the behest of coalitions of world powers in opposition to one another, each vying for increased power and economic influence.